Press Release-Carleton Manor-Town-Housing Hub

Press Release – Town of Woodstock

Woodstock Town Council is pleased to announce that the Town of Woodstock (Town) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Carleton Manor Nursing Home (Carleton Manor) and a letter of engagement with the Housing Hub of New Brunswick (Housing Hub) for a joint land development master plan initiative on a 23-acre parcel of land. The land, currently owned by the Carleton Manor, is located on Deakin Dr. across the road from their current 110 bed nursing home. The location of the land in this community makes it prime for a housing development where it is within walking distance to many necessary amenities. The land will be evaluated for housing solutions and other critical amenities that would be a value-add for tenants and the entire community. The Town of Woodstock has engaged the Housing Hub to lead the development of the master plan. The final plan will include a housing needs assessment, an analysis of the land’s suitability for development, a fully built-out site plan, including recommendations for density, building type and massing, and a financial feasibility study that will include identifying suitable funding programs to ensure affordability.

The Carleton Manor has witnessed a steady growth in the percentage of newcomers that fulfill their staffing needs, and they recognize their employees struggle to find affordable housing. The Carleton Manor board acquired the 23-acre property in 2017 with the foresight that it may need to be developed into housing in the future. Given the housing crisis that all communities are facing, including Woodstock, the Carleton Manor board has determined that it is time to look at how the land can be developed to help support the needs of their critical operations. Administrative Director, Scott Green confirmed, “In the past 2-3 years the percentage of our staff that are newcomers has increased steadily from 18% years ago to now over 50%. The board has been willing to listen to the challenges our workers are facing to be able to afford to work and live in our community. We have the land, but we do not necessarily have the expertise to be developers, nor the desire or capability to be in the housing business. In conversations with the Town about development opportunities, this solution was proposed that we all agreed is a good first step to hopefully solve both the needs our own staff and the needs in our general community.”

Director of Development, Andrew Garnett, says “The concept started with a meeting that Mayor, Trina Jones, and I had with the Housing Hub about the services they offer to municipalities. Instantly, the Carleton Manor land on Deakin Dr. came to mind as an ideal project that fit the services the Housing Hub could offer and that could potentially move forward development of their land for much needed housing. I am looking forward to working with the Housing Hub and the Carleton Manor on this master plan.”

Mayor Trina Jones shares, “We do not have many large parcels of land like this left in the core of our community and we only have one chance of developing the land to ensure it achieves its maximum potential. I am thrilled that the Carleton Manor board has agreed to sign an MOU with us so that we can use the services of the Housing Hub as a cost effective, and expedited way to produce a proper development plan that will provide solutions for housing and beyond. We have a need in our community for all types of housing, in particular affordable housing, which will be a core focus of this development plan.”

“The  Housing Hub’s mission is to engage with partners, such as municipalities in a coordinated approach to leverage every available resource, funding or otherwise to deliver housing that is affordable but that also fits with building strong and sustainable communities,” says Nadine Fullarton, CEO for the Housing Hub of New Brunswick.

The portion of the project not already funded is estimated to cost the Town of Woodstock $15,000.00 to 25,000.00 and will take 6 - 9 months to complete. The commitment at this stage is in producing a proper land plan and neither the Carleton Manor, nor the Town is committed to anything further. The goal is to produce a plan that will provide solutions and options that will allow for engagement with both non-profit and for-profit developers to help action the plan.

The Town is looking for good participation from the community during the public engagement phase of the project and we encourage everyone to participate in surveys and other opportunities that may be offered to share feedback.

All media requests for further information on this project should be directed to the Town of Woodstock: or